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1997 Ranma 1/2 Library Poll Results

The 1997 poll of questions has been completed! The final results of the categories are below. Don't forget to check out the feedback form for the 1998 Ranma 1/2 Library Poll questions!

1997 Best Bride for Ranma

1. Akane pic Akane Tendo - 74.5%
2. Ukyou Kuonji - 11.7%
3. Shampoo - 6.7%
Honorable but Weird Mention - Pimpin' Imperial Majestrix of SD-ism Laura

1997 Best Couple in Ranma 1/2

1. Ranma pic+ Akane picRanma Saotome and Akane Tendo - 25.3%
2. Ryouga Hibiki and Ukyou Kuonji - 24.0%
3. Dr. Onoo Tofu and Kasumi Tendo - 8.2%
Honorable but Weird Mention - Ryouga Hibiki and Onna-Ranma Saotome

1997 Favorite Character

1. Ranma pic Ranma Saotome - 29.0%
2. Ryouga Hibiki - 20.7%
3. Akane Tendo - 11.7%
4. Honorable but Weird Mention - Azusa Shiratori

1997 Most Disliked Character

1. Happosai pic Happosai - 17.7%
2. Kodachi Kunou - 12.0%
3. Shampoo - 10.2%
Honorable but Weird Mention - Kasumi Tendo

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on May 1, 1998